Pastors Crist and Joanne Murray

Pastors Crist and Joanne have served as Ministers of the Gospel in Western New York, Arizona and Kentucky since 1998. Accepting Jesus as their Lord and Savior in November 1983 they began a journey they could have never anticipated.
In July 1984 at a Sunday Night service they received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit which began a deeper hunger for all God had for them. In August of 2005 a divine appointment was awaiting them as they traveled to the Kenneth Copeland Great Lakes Convention where they met Pastors Philip and Alberta Derber and the rest is history. They are licensed and ordained with Commissioned Apostolic Network (C.A.N.)
and are presently pastoring
Living Free Home Fellowship in Darien Center, NY . If you are in the Western New York area feel free to join Living Free Ministries w/ Pastors Crist and Joanne on Saturday nights @ 6:00 pm in the “Living Room” For details email us at: or text 716-574-3146
Pastors Crist and Joanne are the Founders and Overseers of Living Free Ministries, which was established in 2001 with the purpose of teaching the Body of Christ to walk in the fullness and authority of Kingdom Living. In the beginning of learning to hear Gods voice they heard Him tell them to take the message to His Kids to “Restore, Refresh & Renew” which continues to be developed in them and through them.
God wants to ….Restore His kids to their first love…. Refresh them with the power of the Holy Spirit…. and guide them to Renew their minds with the power of His Word.
They believe that we need to make the Word of God the 1st and final authority in our lives and that will bring us victorious living. They have a vision to see the Body of Christ living the abundant life God created them to live, because of that we will see the lost saved, the sick made whole and the children of God walking in their wealthy place..
I John 4:19 says” We love Him, because He first loved us.” In John 10:10 Jesus says “…I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance, to the full, till it overflows.” He wants His kids to LIVE FREE!!! That means everyday, every hour, every minute, every moment.
In III John 2 it says “Beloved, (that’s you) I wish above all things that you may prosper and be in health, just as your soul prospers.” We do not have to live a life of being up one day and down the next. You can “cast all your care upon HIM (Jesus) because he cares for you” I Peter 5:7
Living Free Home Fellowship
2437 Broadway
Darien Center NY 14040